"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A letter from my Aunt.

Dear Shelli,

My heart goes out to you. I know very well how difficult this is. Our prayers are with you. I was blessed to have the fibroids so badly thatI had no attachment to my breasts. I was glad to be finished with them.

Married, or not, I would have felt the same. I could no more "discover"a new lump than fly to the moon. Every three months my oncologist was aspirating as much as 20cc's of fluid from multiple tumors. That alongwith the pain of the fibroids-----------I never one day was sad to loose them.

Reconstruction is wonderful today. I did not miss my saggy breasts. I had it done twenty years ago and I am just now starting to sag a little again. The first tumor for me was contained and I opted not to have chemo or radiation. I got an answer that it was not necessary. They removed the tumor and did a resection which was not a pretty thing. The oncologist did that surgery. When I complained about how awful the scars were, he told me I was lucky to be alive. A plastic surgeon did the rest five years later when it was determined that all the glands were precancerous and with the fibroids, it was only a matter of time.

Trust the Lord Shelli, he will give you peace. I am glad that you have the support of your ward. I'm afraid you have to take credit for Brad.You tried to make life too easy and wonderful for him. Too bad children don't come with instruction manuals. (Not to mention the genetic factor) Structure is not your strong point and I'm afraid that is what it takes to get children to help. They certainly don't suddenly develop good habits at 14! The bad news is they don't really get much better until 16 and only then because you have the car to lord over them. They honestly don't turn into human beings until 18. It's not my favorite age. Fourteen is simply 2-year-olds grown older! I'm afraid it's a price you will have to pay for being more creative than practical. Sorry! I'm living with one too! Yuk!

You are so wonderful and so talented, I know that the Lord has something special for you. Life is funny------------it's not what we expect. TheLord loves us and will personally tutor us in the areas that we need strengthening. Every bump in life has its purpose. The peace the Lord gives has held me together more times than I can count. I have learned to trust the Great Tutor. He has taught me more than I ever dreamed of learning. I would never have had the courage to do the things He has called me to do by myself. I am who I am because of the trials he has tailored for me personally. At your age I probably wasn't too thrilled with another challenge in life, but from my perspective, I'm so grateful for all of them.

I love you and pray for you,

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