"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Monday, June 12, 2006 - Replies

Wow! Only one more treatment. I know it's been hard, but light at theend of the tunnel. Nothing lasts forever. Sometimes in my life that'swhat I have held on to. "This too shall pass!" I love your upbeatattitude. I am so grateful that work has been so supportive. I wish you could just take the time off. Too bad none of us are rich and couldjust support you for awhile. I wish I could. Sometimes, we handle things better if we have to keep going and can't just give in.

I didn't know you had cut your hair over the years. I always see youwith long red hair. You are so good with hair. Your hair is always so beautifully cared for. Well, my love to you. You are in our prayers. Please keep me posted with your progress.

Love, Gaile


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