"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Monday, June 26, 2006

Hi all,

The latest from the doctor: I had my fourth treatment of A/C this past Friday, but he's not ready to send me to the surgeon yet, not enough change in the size of the mass. He's putting me on a different chemo drug, Taxotere, again every two weeks, I think four treatments. I still have to do the Neulasta shots, too. There was change in the size when he measured it, just not enough. He also said that my blood work looks really good as far as my cell counts staying up and such.

You do what you have to do, but I'm afraid this week I am not feeling chipper and perky about it. I'm a little bummed over MORE chemo, but I can't really afford to be depressed; that just makes me sicker. Today, of course, I feel crappy, and tomorrow, after the shot, I'll feel worse, so I'm just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, as they say.

I'm sick of the hats, I'm sick of the scarves, I'm sick of putting so much thought into what to wear and put on my head. I'm feeling a bit whiny, and it looks like I'm back to not eating anything but yogurt and bananas for a few days. Looking forward to Bethanee and Natalee coming down. And someone fill me in: is Bonnie in town right now? She promised to shine my head...

Love you all,

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