"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Count-down to hair loss...

Hi All,

I had my appt with the oncologist today. Good news is he's cute, so I have TWO young attractive doctors touching my breasts.

OK, so that's just a bonus.

Good news, and this may or may not mean a thing to anyone, but he said it's good news: I am HER2 negative and hormone receptor positive. My bone scan, cat scan and muga scans were all good…no signs of metastisis anywhere but the one breast, and my heart is strong.

He wants to start chemo, 4 treatments, 2 wks apart, starting May 12; a week from this Friday. I have a call in to the surgeon's office to set up an appt to have a port put in before then.

So by the end of May, when it's getting good and hot, I should be smack in the middle of chemo, and hairless. ("Hairless" sounds much more desirable than "bald").

If only "tan" and "thin" came with it.

Love you all!

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